
Module 5: Cells


Watch the videos and/or read module 5.
Do the cell coloring worksheet

Supplementary Material:

Cell coloring worksheet - elementary
Cell coloring worksheet - high school
Interactive cell

Video Resources

Magic School Bus - Goes Celluar

A Tour of the Cell - Paul Anderson

Transportation Across Cell Membranes

Cellular Respiration - Paul Anderson


Module 5: The Chemistry of Life

Video Resources:

Bill Nye: Atoms

Bill Nye: Genes

Bill Nye: Nutrition

Bio-molecules Part 1

Bio-molecules Part 2


Module 16: Birds, Reptiles, Mammals - Resources

Magic School Bus - Cold Feet (reptiles)

The Magic School Bus Goes Batty

Bill Nye - Mammals

Bill Nye - Marine Mammals

Bill Nye Amphibians

Bill Nye - Birds

Bill Nye - Brain


Module 16: Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals



Read the chapter
Complete the worksheet
Watch the movie on komodo dragons


 Tuatara video link

Tuatara Sphenodon punctatus

Bill Nye - Blood and Circulation

Bill Nye Digestion part 1

Bill Nye Digestion part 2

Bill Nye Digestion part 3

Magic School Bus Flexes it's Muscles

Biology Essentials - Paul Anderson nervous system

The Digestive System - Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson makes a passing remark on the appendix. He calls the appendix a vestigial organ meaning that the appendix has no purpose for us. An evolutionist considers a vestigial organ something we used to need, but we have evolved beyond our need of it.  Actually, according to the Scientific American, "the appendix probably helps to suppress potentially destructive humoral (blood- and lymph-borne) antibody responses while promoting local immunity." see link article

The Respiratory System

The only evolutionary tainted comments in this video are references to creatures coming up with different types of respiratory systems. The creatures didn't come up with different types of systems, God made them that way.

The Circulatory System

One comment on the heart evolving in higher animals.


The Endocrine System

The Sensory System

Fetal Pig Dissection Day 1


Module 13: Phylum Chrordata



Shark Mountain - video from Nature

Salmon spawning

Life Cycle of a Frog

External Fish Dissection

Internal Fish Dissection

Frog Dissection part 1


Frog Dissection part 2



Module 11: Invertebrates


Nova - Great Barrier Reef

Giant Clams Great Barrier Reef

Coral Spawning- Great Barrier Reef

National Geographic- Octopus


Invertebrate Diversity - Part 1

Invertebrate Diversity - Part 2

Invertebrate Diversity - Echinoderms

 Worm Dissection - part 1

Worm Dissection - part 2

Starfish dissection part 1

Starfish Dissection part 2

Coral Reefs - National Geographic

Coral Reef Print-Outs from Enchanted Learning

Sponge Print-Outs from Enchanted Learning


Module 4: Fungi

Creation Spotlight:

ICR equips believers with evidence of the Bible's accuracy and authority
Read one of these articles from Institute for Creation Research on the uniqueness of our earth.


Read Module 4.


The Magic School Bus Meets the Rot Squad

Paul Anderson - Fungi


Module 2: Bacteria


Articles on Bacteria


Bacteria Reproduction

Bacteria - Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson is an excellent teacher, but teaches from an evolutionary perspective. I do not feel that he is intellectually honest in his comments about origins at the beginning of the clip. He talks as if the concept that we have all descended from one cell is a proven fact, when reality is, no one has ever discovered this cell. He talks as if we have proven that there is a lot of genetic transfer from the prokaryotic  cells to the eukaryotic cells, and this is assumed, not proven. It is my personal opinion that  the reason the science community is switching from a 5 kingdom classification system to a 3 domain classification system is that they have found that proving evolution on the basis of structural characteristics is impossible, and they hope to do it on a cellular level. Anyone who thinks this is possible needs to read "Darwin's Black Box" by Behe.

The Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie


Module 9: Evolution


For the younger set, be sure to visit jonathanpark.com. You can listen to the current show online. The albums are available to download and are worth every penny. Homeschool lessons are available if you sign up for a free membership.
Listen to entire albums of Jonathan park at grooveshark.
Album #1 The Adventure Begins
Album #2 No Looking Back

Older kids and adults should check out creation.com for a multitude of great articles and videos on creation/evolution.

Web Articles:

The Geologic Column: Does it Exist?

It has been claimed that the geological column as a faunal succession is not just a hypothetical concept, but a reality, because all Phanerozoic systems exist superposed at a number of locations on the earth. Close examination reveals, however, that even at locations where all ten systems are superposed, the column, as represented by sedimentary-thickness, is mostly missing. In fact, the thickest local accumulation of rock is only a tiny fraction of the inferred 600-million year’s worth of depositions. The global ‘stack’ of index fossils exists nowhere on earth, and most index fossils do not usually overlie each other at the same locality. So, even in those places where all Phanerozoic systems have been assigned, the column is still hypothetical. Locally, many of the systems have not been assigned by the index fossils contained in the strata but by indirect methods that take the column for granted—clearly circular reasoning. Thus the geologic column does not exist and so does not need to be explained by Flood geology. Only each local succession requires an explanation and Flood geology is wholly adequate for this task.
Link to whole article

Geographic Information Systems Resources (GIS):

Explore the geology of the United States. Find out how widespread fossils are. 

ArcGis Explorer Download This is a wonderful free program that you can use to input your own geographic information, combine it with their maps, and use it to explore your world in a multitude of ways.

Video Resources:

Creation/Evolution What's it all about? part 1
(warning; short wedding scene. bride immodestly dressed)

Creation/Evolution: What's it all about? part 2

Changes in Living Things - Natural Selection

Changes in Living Things - Mutations

Astronomy - The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Stephen Austin - Mount St. Helens
Great Lecture

A Thousand Years in A Day - Mount St. Helens


Module 10: Ecology

Schedule for Lab Day:

Stream Habitat Check
Stream Biosurvey
Stream Water Quality 
Finish Tests/Survey at lab
Analyze Data
Draw Conclusions on the health of the stream

Web Resources:

Print Resources: 


Video Resources:


Ecosystem Change


Ecological Succession

Biotic and Abiotic Relationships


Life Requires Free Energy


The Hierarchy of Life

Primary and Middle School Videos:

Bill Nye-Life Cycles

Bill Nye-Water Cycles

Magic School Bus Gets Eaten

Magic School Bus Water Cycle


Module 3: Kingdom Protista


Read module 3 in Exploring Creation with Biology. The two videos at the end would be helpful, but not necessary to see before class. Most of the other videos we will use during lab to help with identification.

Web Resources:

Video Resources:

Green Algae in conjugation


Spirogyra zygospore

Slide of Spirogyra-discussion of parts

Amoeba Slide and discussion

Euglena slide and discussion

Observing Euglena






Module 15: Plant Physiology and Reproduction

High School kids need to do the study questions at the end of the chapter.

Lab Day Schedule:

Talk on plant reproduction
Make a nail polish cast of monocot and dicot leaves
Short walk noting the different ways angiosperms reproduce and collecting a variety of flowers to dissect. 
Dissecting flowers
Dissect monocot and dicot seeds
View Elodea
view stomata on nail polish cast
bromthymol blue photosynthesis lab 

Video Resources

Mitosis vs. Meiosis

High School lecture - plant structure

High School Level -Plant Transport and Nutrition

High School Lecture - Plant Control

High School Lecture - double fertilization in flowers

AP Lab - Transpiration

AP Lab 4 - Plant Pigment and photosynthesis

Plant Transpiration

Turgo Pressure Video

Magic School Bus In a Bee Hive