Teaching homeschool biology to K -11 kids all at the same time. Textbook: Exploring Creation with Biology Schedule:
Middle School and High School kids read chapter 12 before class.
Younger kids read at least one book from the library on insects.
Title Page
2 pages for Table of Contents. Number the lines
Number 50 pages in the notebook. Put the numbers in the bottom outside corner of the page.
Make a page for assignments after the Table of Contents.
Staple, clear tape or glue any handouts on the right pages and note their location on the table of contents. Make any notes or thoughts or drawings about class on the left side.
Taxonomy is like a mini-storage building. It is a way of storing our knowledge of God's creation in a systematic fashion. There are five individual units in the building. These are the five kingdoms that group all living things; Monera, Protista, Fungi, Anamilia, Plantae. Inside the units there are boxes, boxes inside of them, with boxes inside of them... well you get the idea.
Here is a list of our storage units from largest to smallest. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. We remember this list with the sentence "King Phillip Came Over For Gold and Silver."
Insect Collection:
Assignment: collect, mount and identify down to order at least 5 different insects. You can use the insect keys on the web to help identify them. If you come to class without insects, you will be sent out to find them, and not allowed in class until you find and identify them.
Anthropoda- the biggest phyla, more members than all the other phyla combined.
Exoskeleton made of chitin
Body Segmentation- head, thorax, abdomen or cephalothorax and abdomen
Jointed Appendages
Ventral (pertaining to the abdomen) Nervous System
Open Circulatory System - blood flows into cavities.
Three Classes as examples
As you dissect the crayfish and grasshopper, ask how are they the same? How are they different?
Teaching Kindergarten through Highschool Biology all together using the Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology as a spine.
Introductory Comments:
A. Your science notebook
B. Starting an insect collection
1. What is science?
2. Scientist like to put things into groups. Living - Non-Living
Sewer Lice opener found on Great Links on Characteristics of Life listed below.
3. Biology, the study of living things.
4. Characteristic of living things
A. Discovery video on Characteristics of Life
B. Is Yeast Alive worksheet
C. Look at yeast under the microscope
D. Other Characteristics of Life worksheets if needed.
5. The microscope
A. Leeuwenhoek video
B. Microscope parts worksheets
6. How scientists study living things -the scientific method
A.video on the scientific method
B. Video on Pasteur and spontaneous generation
C. Young Students watch the Sesame Street Video
7. Organizing living things into groups-classification
A. How something is classified and gets it's scientific name.
B. Five Kingdoms site
C. Classify something interactive site from NOVA
D. 3 Domains- discussion of it's connection to evolution
E. Find a living thing and classify it